Sunday, November 23, 2014

Bio Feed back

One of the most interesting new experiences for me at my advanced age of 59 it discovering the feedback that my body gives me.
I wake up in the morning, and I don't want to exercise.
I sneak up on the exercise slowly, wash my face, shave, start stretching on my yoga mat …
Soon I am doing the full work out, pushing my self to failures, embracing the cold early morning air before sunrise, letting my self imposed deadline for starting my job for the day slip by because I am working out!

And my body gives me the feedback to keep this going.

Then on other days, I find the my body wants to do stuff, so I listen to what my body has to say, "exercise," "study," "do chores." and I find that my life is so much smoother if I cooperate with my body.
On the other hand, my body does need to be trained in much the same way I have trained dogs in the past.
The parallel between my body and a dog is amazing to me.
Reward it and it works.

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