Sunday, March 27, 2011

Writing is thinking, at least conceptual thinking.

I started my blogging with the desire to clarify my thoughts.  Over time I drifted off course (law of Seven).

I became identified with the remarks of associates about the content of my blog and requests to post items to promote their goals (suggestibility).  The blog was no longer a tool for clarifying my own thoughts, and occasionally feelings.  I believed that I could still blog in the face of the feeling of resentment -- interesting, I'm ashamed to admit that I wasn't conscious of that feeling or the accompanying belief until just now, but it is clearly recorded in my memories (kundabuffer).

This is the pain of self-observation.  (I hesitate to say "remorse of conscience.")

The Moral Challenge of Advanced Technology

I'm not surprised. And if the 28% that were "confused" were honest with themselves they woul know they are lying.

Admiral Rickover said words to the effect that a higher level of technology demands a higher level of morality.

We are seeing the weaknesses of human nature in action, the ability to deceive one's self to preserve one's own self-love and vanity. Living in imagination -- kundabuffer.

"Sucker Punch," Great Movie!

The movie "Sucker Punch" is excellent! I took a chance on going to see it expecting something like Saturday morning children's cartoons. The story goes way beyond the trailers into the depths of human nature and friendship. It was well worth the time and money to see. It is worth watching again. Don't let the trailers of fantasy action confuse you into thinking that this is just kid's stuff. I don't want to take a chance on spoiling it, so I won't say anymore.