Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Being Observed?

Today I discovered that I have a "follower." This follower appears authentic in the sense that is does not seem to be computer generated.

The feeling of having a follower of this blog stimulates a different sense of what I may write. I had been writing for two people, myself, and web-crawlers. Now I wonder, what would I write for anyone else?

I'll let this cook in my "subconscious" for a while, ponder it.

Fourth Way Seminar in September 2010


Theme to be Announced

Friday, September 3 to Monday, September 6, 2010
San Juan Bautista, California

(1 hour from San Jose Airport)

Through guided meditation, Conscious Body-Breath Impressions™, dialogue and private interviews, William Patrick Patterson explores the theme. Open to all levels of simplicity. No previous experience necessary.

Because space is limited and past seminars have filled quickly, please make your reservation early. The total cost of tuition, lodging (double occupancy) and meals is $575 with reservations received by August 15, 2010. Afterward, the cost is $675. Space is reserved with a deposit of $300.

To reserve a place, send your deposit by mail or reserve electronically below. There is a small surcharge when using the latter.

To reserve a place by mail, send a check made out to Arete Communications to the following address:

Arete Communications
773 Center Boulevard #58
Fairfax, CA 94978-0058

If you have questions, email us at: Introduction@Gurdjieff-Legacy.Org or call (800) 470-3086