Saturday, April 01, 2017


Three basic virtues are courage, temperance, and justice.

  1. Courage is getting results.
  2. Temperance is balancing our results
  3. Justice is treating others according to their virtue.
Courage is dealing with the world.
Temperance is dealing with myself.
Justice is dealing with others.

We all earn our way in the world.
The baby starts with a smile, then learns to take care of it's self, then learns to get results outside the family by cultivating it's own virtue.

The three basic virtues may be restate in many ways, depending upon context and audience.
  • Courage is taking action to mitigate threats and enhance opportunities, i.e. make a profit.
  • Temperance is balancing our portfolios.
  • Justice is negotiating with people and honoring our agreements.
  • Courage is finding out and doing the right thing.
  • Temperance is avoiding overindulgence in the wrong things.
  • Justice is paying people what they have earned, a smile, an apple, or money.

The virtues are built on a foundation of reason, productivity, and pride in our virtue.