Sunday, January 24, 2021

Advanced Calculus Of Real Valued Functions Of A Real Variable And Vector Valued Functions Of A Vector Variable, by Hans Sagan

I studied most of this book in the 1970's, returning to it now that I have the time to really savor the logic of calculus.

I have three reasons for this study:

1 - Intellectual pleasure, 

2 - desire to find the transitions in my own mind from imagination to concept, 

3 - desire to read Penrose's "Road to Reality" with better understanding than I bring to it now. 

CAUTION: Does not go well with a glass of 🍷.

As I work my way through this book, more reflections to come.

In the study of functions, I discovered an innate bias: I am repelled by the idea of a function as ordered pairs. It took me several weeks of work to grasp this.  I was rooted in the classic physcist"s mindset of continuous curves found in the orbits of the planet's.  The next hundred pages cover the implications this definition!

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