Thursday, February 12, 2015

The biggest barrier to learning is thinking I already know.

The most recent example of this was gained by reading Rita Mulcahy's Project Management Guide. Because I thought I already knew, as I skimmed through the PMBOK over the last few decades, I never took the time to think about what I was looking at.

Rita's book helped me to recognize all the things that I had never articulated. The shadows and shapes in the room of awareness that I rely on without knowing what I am doing.

It is putting on a new pair of glasses, or a new set of eyes. Suddenly I have words for what I had no words for.  Suddenly I see what's missing and won't accept excuses for why it is missing!

I regret? all the years I spent in the "rabbit hole" of IT skills, and the "crisis of the moment."
Now at least I can live life as it is meant to be lived.

The key to fuller awareness is in my hands, do I have the courage to use it?

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