Sunday, March 27, 2011

Writing is thinking, at least conceptual thinking.

I started my blogging with the desire to clarify my thoughts.  Over time I drifted off course (law of Seven).

I became identified with the remarks of associates about the content of my blog and requests to post items to promote their goals (suggestibility).  The blog was no longer a tool for clarifying my own thoughts, and occasionally feelings.  I believed that I could still blog in the face of the feeling of resentment -- interesting, I'm ashamed to admit that I wasn't conscious of that feeling or the accompanying belief until just now, but it is clearly recorded in my memories (kundabuffer).

This is the pain of self-observation.  (I hesitate to say "remorse of conscience.")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is not self-observation. It is reporting on a memory. Self-observation is sensing and observing this in the moment it is happening. Don't fool yourself!